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YRPG Never Forgot the General Secretary's Request
Author: Date:2013/8/1 15:38:00 Read:1495
This is an anticipated day. The Chinese people ushered in a beautiful spring after the extraordinary 2008.
In the afternoon of March 5, Hu Jintao, General Secretary of CPC Central Committee, State President and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, came to the meeting room of Jiangsu delegation of the second conference of 11th National People's Congress (NPC) to deliberate on the Government Work Report.
"General Secretary is coming!" When the General Secretary Hu Jintao appeared in front of the delegates, the scene broke into warm applause. General Secretary greeted delegates with smile and shook hands with everyone. "General Secretary is especially kind. He gave everyone a powerful handshake with expectation in his eyes." Xu Jingrensighed with emotion after the Conference.
When the Report is deliberated on, Delegate Xu Jingren firstly expressed his full agreement with Government Work Report of Premier Wen Jiabao. Then Xu Jingren said: "On the same day of last year, General Secretary raised a claim that YRPG should speed up innovation. For one year, we have actively promoted the independent innovation through the university-industry cooperation, and our Group has applied invention patents of 39 last year. The Group has 18 varieties meeting pharmacopoeia standards of the US, EU Britain and Japan. General Secretary listened to the Report, and smiled and nodded in approval. General Secretary sincerely hoped that comrades in Jiangsu could fully implement the spirits of the 17th CPC National Congress, the Third Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Congress, and the Central Economic Working Conference, further implement the scientific concept of development, and work on ensuring growth and promoting development, according to the central decision and deployment, so as to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of P.R.C. with outstanding performance.
"In NPC & CPPCC of last year, General Secretary Hu Jintao shook my hands and requested us to accelerate the independent innovation, improve the R&D level, and open up our own road. After the Congress, we immediately studied the Congress spirit and implemented the work in the Group according to the General Secretary's request, guided by the theme of 'Independently innovate, and speed up the development', the Enterprise has developed rapidly. In the intensified global financial crisis, the Group achieved the sales revenue of RMB 15.6 billion in 2008, a year-on-year increase of 20%. The comprehensive economic strength has ranked top 3 among the national pharmaceutical production enterprise in consecutive five years. We are guided by the request of General Secretary, and benefit lot!" Recalling the request of General Secretary, Xu Jingren sighed with emotion.
As a delegate of the pharmaceutical industry, the topic frequently talked by Xu Jingren is the medicine quality and public health. "Medicine is a special commodity concerning the life and health of people, which do not permit the slightest carelessness. As the saying goes, a piece of medicine involves two lives, i.e. common people and pharmaceutical enterprise. We attach the uttermost importance to the quality engineering, concentrate on R&D, and guarantee the quality by all means. Depending on conscience and responsibility, we produce guaranteed and safe medicine with high quality, high effect and low price to protect the interests of people. We took initiative in creating harmonious, safe, and healthy pharmacy environment in order to reassure the people in taking medicine and protect public health." Xu Jingren said.
As the NPC delegate of two terms, Xu Jingren claims that while paying attention to product quality and protecting public health, YRPG also shoulders the responsibility for booming the national pharmaceutical industry. Returning from the Congress, Xu Jingren brought back many proposals and sound strategies on pharmaceutical enterprise development. He said, "Premier Wen Jiabao's report on medical health reform is very encouraging, bringing hopes about medical reform to common people."
I think the government and health departments should further support national pharmaceutical industry development by formulating a series of preferential policies in the medicine bidding, medical insurance directory adjustment, medicine export, scientific and technological innovation, and medicine R&D, etc., in order to foster large national pharmaceutical enterprise to be bigger and stronger, and finally move to and win a place in the international pharmaceutical market, carrying forward the traditional Chinese medicine in the world!"
Impacted by the current international financial crisis, on how to keep the pharmaceutical industry (enterprises) develop fast and steadily, Xu Jingren has his own unique opinion: "The international financial crisis comprehensively inspects the domestic pharmaceutical industry. The only way to cope with the financial crisis is to set up a firm confidence, push forward the development goals in earnest, unswervingly carry out independent innovation, speed up the upgrading of product structure, and catch every opportunity in the crisis to achieve development. Domestic pharmaceutical enterprises should coordinate their behaviors and get through the tough time together. Pharmaceutical enterprises should vigorously develop technological innovation and management innovation, strengthen the construction of research centers, and cultivate the core competitive capacities of enterprises. Meanwhile, the enterprises should also seriously fulfill their social responsibilities, strive to operate without downsizing and pay cuts from the general situation, and promote the harmonious development of enterprises. As long as we stay together and work closely, seek opportunities in shock, stick to independent innovation, and strengthen the internal strength, shall we be able to go through the crisis, and usher in a brighter day in the pharmaceutical industry development."
The Congresses are held with the approaching spring. From the scientific and proactive perspective of the NPC delegate Xu Jingren, we feel the spring wind breezing the Yangtze River banks. YRPG in the new staring point is actively catching every opportunity for development, taking innovation as the soul, striving to build new flagship of Chinese national medicine, and leading Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises in going to the world. (Original published in the Jiangsu Economic Newspaper of March 11, 2009)