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YRPG Was Granted the Honorary Title of "Price Integrity Advanced Unit in Jiangsu"
Author: Date:2013/8/1 15:29:00 Read:1345
Several days ago, Jiangsu Price Bureau granted 327 public enterprises including Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group (YRPG) the honorary title of "Price Integrity Advanced Unit in Jiangsu" from 2007 to 2008. This is the first time to assess "Price Integrity Advanced Unit" in Jiangsu, which indicates progress in price integrity construction. This title is also a reward for contributions made by YRPG in stabilizing prices and operating faithfully and legally.
At the beginning of establishment, YRPG is an unknown family-style factory. Now it has become a worldwide pharmaceutical group and has been listed in top five enterprises in national pharmaceutical industry for consecutively over 10 years. All these are inseparable from YRPG's great efforts to strengthen price management and stick to price integrity. YRPG has a complete price management system, positions market prices correctly and is responsible for their prices. Besides, according to regulations of the price department, YRPG formulates drugs prices scientifically and reasonably, and has special departments and personnel to implement price systems. For many years, no matter whatever changes occur to market environment, YRPG has been adhering to winning doctors and patients by high-quality drugs, making commitments on drugs quality, price and services to users and accepting customers' supervision consciously. All these behaviors help them win approval from the price department and patients. In the credit rating of Jiangsu in 2005, YRPG won the champion.
This assessment activity follows the principles of "government's guidance, operators' participation, customers' approval and society's supervision" and passes through procedures of declaration and publicizing, county-level assessments, municipal inspection and acceptance, provincial sampling check and online opinions requisition. Jiangsu price departments announce that they will supervise the price integrity units and cancel their honorary titles in case serious problems occur.