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President Xu Jingren Won the Title of Advanced Individual in the Anti-earthquake & Relief of All-China Federation of Industry & Commerce
Author: Date:2013/8/1 15:23:00 Read:1435
The Anti-earthquake & Relief Commendation Meeting of All-China Federation of Industry & Commerce was held in Beijing several days ago. Due to outstanding contributions in anti-earthquake & relief work, President Xu Jingren was awarded the title of “Advanced Individual in the Anti-earthquake & Relief of All-China Federation of Industry & Commerce” by All-China Federation of Industry & Commerce.
After the 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake happened, under the guidance of Xu Jingren, YRPG donated money and medicines in no time. YRPG organized the staff to work overtime to produce medicines for victims in the disaster area. YRPG donated medicines with a total value of RMB 20,000,000. These medicines were among the first ones from exotic provinces. Besides, YRPG also finished the emergency transfer task of national combat readiness medicine with a value of RMB 10,000,000 in time. Donations of YRPG and its employees were accumulated to RMB 3,000,000; and the employees donated blood of 50,000 ml. All these showed YRPG's great kindness and love for victims in the disaster area.
It is reported that donations of 8000 VIP member enterprises of All-China Federation of Industry & Commerce were accumulated to RMB 6,240,000,000, which demonstrates  not only the great patriotic enthusiasm, sense of social responsibility and humanitarian spirits but also  socialism with Chinese characteristics builders. Through recommendation and reviews, 198 advanced collectives and 197 advanced individuals in anti-earthquake & relief were awarded by All-China Federation of Industry & Commerce.
Before this, YRPG was also awarded the title of “China People's Livelihood Action Pioneer” by China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation and “Anti-earthquake & Relief Advanced Collective” by China Population Welfare Foundation.