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YRPG Held a New Year Series Cultural and Sports Activities
Author: Date:2013/8/1 15:22:00 Read:1372
It is the sea of songs and the paradise of happiness. In the afternoon of December 15, the “internal line top ten singers’ contest” held in the dancing hall on the second floor of the Employees’ Home opened the grand show of new year series cultural and sports activities of the Group.
In order to enrich the cultural life of the employees in holidays, the Labor Union of the Group carefully prepared colorful cultural and sports activities. Besides the Karaoke contest, the Group also provided badminton match that fits both old and young, amusement sport competitions including tug-of-war, hit-the-loop, collective leg-in running and darts welcomed by employees and competition of Chinese chess, 80-point card and billiard, etc.
The Karaoke contest had heated atmosphere. The dedicated singing of the contestants aroused a lot of tides. The site was full of applauses and laughers. Through the preliminary contest, 10 contestants were qualified into final, competing again on the Christmas Party on the 24th. Liu Guanghui and Wu Jian from Manufacture Department No. 3, Liu Yi from Haici Pharmaceutical and Qing Guangxia from Petrel Hotel were qualified to be “top ten singers in the internal line”.
Tug-of-war competition formally started. The athletes of both teams were well prepared to fight for the success. Under the deafening “fighting” of the cheering squad, the athletes used their total efforts to fight. Although some teams finally lost, their red faces were written with happiness.
The 9 competitions lasted for one week, attracting several hundreds of employees to actively participate in harmony. Through heated competition, every winner got an award. The competitions showed styles and levels, and sufficiently represented the spiritual demeanor of the YRPG people to fight to be the best and drive for excellence.