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Award-Giving Meeting of China Medical Science and Technology Award Was Held Ceremoniously in Beijing
Author: Date:2013/8/1 15:19:00 Read:1621
On January 9, the small hall of the Great Hall of the People was brilliant with the decoration of lights and flowers. The atmosphere was solemn but heated. The 2008 Award-giving Meeting of China Medical Science and Technology Award sponsored by Chinese Medical Association and Wu Jieping Medical Fund, and undertaken by Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group was ceremoniously held. Leaders including Han Qide, Vice Chairman of CPC and President of China Association for Science, Chen Zhu, Minister of the Ministry of Health, Qi Rang, Vice President and Secretary of the Secretary Office of China Association for Science and Cao Jianlin, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology as well as Zhong Nanshan, Chairman of Chinese Medical Association, and Xu Jingren attended the meeting to award cup, certificate of honor and bonus to the representatives that won prizes, and shook hands with them passionately to express the congratulations.
251 scientific research achievements all over China participated in the competition for the China Medical Science and Technology Award in 2008, and finally 80 scientific research achievements won first, second and third prizes, in which 8 projects won the first prize including “collection and utilization of genetic resources of high blood pressure and coronary diseases in Chinese population as well as researches on susceptible genes”, etc.; 25 projects won the second prize, including “the never mechanism and intervention measures for craving after the abstinence of drug dependence” from Peking University National Institute on Drug Dependence; and 47 projects won the third prize, including “epidemiology research and selection and diagnosis on its inspection methods for chronic complication of diabetes and diabetes early crowd”, etc.
At the same time of the meeting, the award-giving ceremony of Wu Jieping Medical Award of 2008 was held. Han Qide presented the Wu Jieping Medical Award of 2008 to Tang Zhaoyou, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, expert of surgical oncology and director of Zhongshan Hospital Oncology Research Institute affiliated to Fudan University.
Chen Zhu expressed the ardent congratulations to the award winners on behalf of the Ministry of Health, and also the sincere greetings and high respects to the staff engaged in medical science and technology all over China. He said that China Medical Science and Technology Award and Wu Jieping Medical Award have awarded the highest achievements in the health technology field in recent years. The implementation of the activities has created a good atmosphere of respecting science and relying on science, and has played an important facilitation function in encouraging the initiatives and creativity of people engaged in technology and health, improving their operation and academic level and promote the medical science improvement.
Chen Zhu pointed out that in 2009, the Ministry of Health will start implementing the further medical system reform according to the requirements of the target that everyone will enjoy basic medication, and facilitate the researches on the significant health scientific and technological projects of the country. He expected that all the workers engaged in health technology of China shall remember firmly the historical mission, keep working hard, advocate scientific spirits, seek for truth, greatly improve the original innovation capability, integrated innovation capability and introduction-digestion-absorption-re-innovation capabilities, so as to make more and new achievements in such aspects as medical science innovation, improving people’s health and protecting the people’s health rights and profits, etc.
From 2001 to 2008, Yangtze Pharmaceutical Group successively and exclusively sponsored the selection of China Medical Science and Technology Award. The solemn Great Hall of the People has not only witnessed the prosperous improvement of medical science and technology of the country, a lot of shining names and achievements on the journey of medical innovations, but also witnessed the contributions made by the YRPG people in facilitating the medical technology improvement of China.
“The influence of China Medical Science and Technology Award is getting larger and larger, which replies on the great support on Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group. Their giving is unselfish, showing good sense of social responsibilities of an enterprise.” Said Zhong Nanshan, Chairman of Chinese Medical Association commented on the charity facilities of Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group.
President Xu Jingren said that meanwhile accelerating the enterprise’s independent innovation steps, it will continue supporting the medical technology improvement of the country, jointly with leaders and experts of Chinese Medical Association and the medical treatment and health fields of China, to make new contributions to accelerate the transformation of medical technology results, facilitate the prosperity of the pharmaceutical and health undertaking of the country, and build a harmonious, health and safe drug-using environment.
Aiming to transform and promote advanced medical technology results, and make the excellent medical technology achievements selected every year serve better the improvement of disease prevention level, since May 2008, YRPG , together with Chinese Medical Association, has selected the projects from the award-winning projects from China Medical Science and Technology Award that have quite large guiding significance on clinics, and have carried out exchanges and promotions in places such as Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing and Xi’an, having driven the development of medical technologies in all places.
China Medical Science and Technology Award is set up by Chinese Medical Association, being one of the 26 authority awards set up by first batch of social powers of China upon approval of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Science and Technology and the National Award Office. It is the most authoritative award in the medical technology field in China, being used to encourage individuals and collectivities that have made great contributions in the field of medical science and technology.