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The Group Held the 6th New Year Chinese Folk Art Competition
Author: Date:2013/8/1 15:15:00 Read:1438
On the Chinese Lunar January, the Weilingxian Hall of Petrel Hotel was in heated atmosphere with continuous laughter and applauses. Xu Jingren and employees gathered happily to watch a Chinese folk art competition organized and performed by the employees to celebrate the year of bull.
Twenty-one delegations from internal and external lines and subsidiary companies of the Group participated in the competition, and performed in various forms including short act, Chinese comedy, allegro storytelling, erhu and Beijing opera, etc. The short act Three Women in One Apartment sent by Haici Pharmaceutical had very smart ideas and a lot of “tricks”, which made the audience think in laughers. The short act for competition Surprise sent by Sales Company No. 1 told a story of bravery of a salesman, and the misunderstandings between him and the doctor and his girlfriend made people laugh a lot. The short act Family in Harmony selected by Company No. 2 used exquisite plots, singing and dancing with magic show, having gained continuous applauses. The allegro storytelling More Brilliant Future performed jointly by Administrative Affairs Department and HR Department was shown in a new form because the model worker sent to the stage to perform, which drew a lot of attention. Many new works formulated, directed and performed by new people also amazed the audience.
After heated competition, the results of the Competition were finally selected with one first prize, two second prizes, three third prizes and four excellent prizes. The New Employees Sketch sent by production and quality joint team obtained the best creation award and the actors of Haici Pharmaceutical achieved the best performance award.
The Chinese folk art competition has become a new window of the corporate culture of YRPG, being welcomed more and more by the employees. The enterprise has held the Chinese folk art competition for new year successively six times, and the scales have been enlarged every year. The actors’ performance skills are getting more and more matured, in which some talents with performance skills have been cultivated and exerted. In order to prepare for the competition this time, all participating units have invested a lot of energy, having designated people to draft the scripts, carefully chosen the people and used the spare time to train. The competition has sufficiently shown the style of the YRPG people and facilitated the further advocating of “enterprising and never be satisfied” YRPG spirit.
Laughter can bring happiness to people’s life. It is the permanent pursuit of the YRPG people to bring the best laughter to people with diligent attitude. The new year Chinese fork art competition was closed in laughter and applauses. People expect that there will be more new faces and better programs of Chinese folk art next year.