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YRPG Ranked in the Top 100 Private Enterprise Taxpayers and Won the Title of Advanced Unit in Employment of the Province
Author: Date:2013/8/1 15:11:00 Read:1367
On October 22, five departments including United Front Work Department of the Party Committee, the Administration for State Taxation, the Economy and Trade Committee, the Administration for Local Tax and the Federation of Industry and Commerce of Jiangsu Province jointly issued document to award the top 100 private enterprise taxpayers and advanced units in employment of the province in 2007. YRPG was ranked the 6th in the top 100 taxpayers, and the Group won at the same time the title of “advanced unit in employment of private enterprises of Jiangsu Province”. The improvement of the ranking has provided the further expansion of comprehensive capacity of the enterprise, and the contribution to the society has been unique in the industry.
Adam Smith said, “Who is creating fortune for the society? Look at the tax revenue record of this country.” As an enterprise with sense of social responsibilities, YRPG has always taken tax payment legally and honestly as responsibility and contribution, always keeping the synchronous growth of tax payment and business performance. On the series ranking lists of top 100 taxpayers in China in 2007 issued by the State Administration for Taxation and China Tax Magazine jointly, YRPG has been ranked No. 230 among the top 500 taxpayers of Chinese enterprises corporations with a total amount of tax paid as 683.97 million Yuan, at the same time listed the top in the top 100 of pharmaceutical manufacture industry. Relying on fast growing sales scale and transparently standard financial management, YRPG has been ranked in the list honorably for several times, and become one of the enterprises in the pharmaceutical industry with the most taxes paid.
The stronger is the capacity, the greater will be the responsibilities. With the continuous development and expansion of the enterprise, YRPG has initiatively undertaken more social responsibilities. The Group has provided sponsorship, donation (both in money and materials) and charity investment nearly 300 million Yuan to the society in total, and solved employment of nearly 10,000 people. The enterprise has established YRPG Charity Fund and invested over 10 million Yuan in supporting the new rural construction projects, education, helping the poor, building roads and rescue disasters, etc. Several tens of thousands people have been benefited.
Xu Jingren, the Chairman of the Board considers that paying taxes legally, honestly and according to rules and regulations is due obligation of every citizen and enterprise corporate, and is obligatory duty for rewarding the country; serving the society and caring the social welfare and charity are the enterprise’s awareness for rewarding the love from the society. YRPG will regard the tax payment ranking list as an honor as the motive to inspect and encourage itself so as to make more contributions for prospering national pharmaceuticals and benefiting the health of human beings with good and fast developing achievements.
It is heard that the “top 100 private enterprise taxpayers of the province of 2007” are the enterprises that have paid more than 60 million Yuan in taxes. 5 private enterprises in Taizhou have been included into the ranking list.