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Taizhou NPC Members Investigated Energy Saving and Consumption Reduction in YRPG
Author: Date:2013/8/1 15:07:00 Read:1420
In the afternoon of November 17, under the leadership of Wang Zhennan, Vice Executive of NPC of the city and Lu Peimin, the Vice Mayor, some NPC members came to YRPG to investigate energy saving and consumption reduction. Xu Liqin, Vice General Manager of the Group and Sha Qi, responsible person of the Manufacture Department accompanied.
The members took a sightseeing vehicle to check all the factory areas of the group headquarter with high spirits. In the Power Center of the Manufacture Department, they listened to the introduction on energy saving and consumption reduction made by the enterprise in details, and then entered power intelligence monitor room to get a survey on the operation and real-time monitor of the internal power grid. From what they heard and saw, the beautiful factory environment and fast developing vigor of YRPG have left deep impression in the members, who expressed sincere appreciation on the development concept and actual effects of energy saving and discharge reduction of the enterprise. Wang Zhennan emphasized that energy saving and consumption reduction is consistent with the strengthening of the enterprise, which shall carry out energy saving and consumption reduction work with strong sense of social responsibilities. He expected that YRPG would set up an example for the city in terms of energy saving and consumption reduction.
In recent years, with the continuous development and expansion of the enterprise, YRPG paid high attention on energy saving and consumption reduction. The Group established an Energy Power Committee specifically and formulated energy management rules and systems to strengthen education and management on the workers from software, and continued technology renovation on hardware. On one aspect, in terms of investment and technology renovation, it focused more on catching up with internationally advanced energy saving level, not stingy in investing but selecting high-technological energy saving processing, equipment and management method to lay a solid foundation for energy saving and consumption reduction. By implementing more than 10 technical renovations including the renovation on frequency conversion fuzzy constant pressure control technology for gas supply system, the renovation on integrated supply of public media, the renovation on power transformer and capacitor room and adoption of green lighting technologies such as the solar energy, the Group gains new benefit as much as 6.82 million Yuan every year.