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YRPG Was Listed in Candidates of “Outstanding Group of China’s Reform and Opening-up for 30 Years”
Author: Date:2013/8/1 14:30:00 Read:1305
At present, the Organization Committee of “The Forum and Appraisal Activity of China’s Reform and Opening-up for 30 Years” released the official nomination candidates, in which, 120 candidates for the rural persons, economic persons and social persons were nominated respectively, and 120 candidates for the outstanding groups, innovative cases and symbol cases respectively. YRPG, as an outstanding model integrating scientific industry with trade, was nominated as a candidate for the outstanding group of China’s reform and opening-up for 30 years.
The appraisal activity was hosted by China Society of Economic Reform and undertook by the Magazine and Network of China Economic Systems Reform. The activity was initiated on April 17, 2008 for public welfares. It was said that the selection of each candidate was subject to complicated procedures.
YRPG, as the only enterprise candidate in the national pharmaceutical industry, was subject to the survey of the Central Political Research Office and the financial leading team. The team members unanimously believed after survey that YRPG had persisted in the road of developing and strengthening the enterprises with science and technology to unceasingly strengthen the pharmaceutical industry in the reform and opening-up for 30 years, and thus had formed its development predominance integrating the scientific industry with trade and created a successful road with vivid characteristics. It was worthy reference, study and popularization in the nationwide area from many aspects.
Who would be the most outstanding person and group in China’s reform and opening-up for 30 years in the public view? The answer would be announced in the middle of November at Beijing.