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The Whole World Collapsed at that Moment
Author: Date:2013/8/1 14:02:00 Read:1379
Wang Feng, a 24 years old girl, went to work at the Sales Office on the second floor of Hairong Company at 2pm on May 12 as usual. She didn’t feel any abnormal except the weather was a little bit fuggy. Nevertheless, the disaster occurred 20min later. She firstly found the computer was shaking greatly then heard the shout of her colleague "the earthquake!" "I was rather afraid, my leg became soft and run to the Greenland before the building at the help of my colleague", Wang Feng recalled the scene at that moment to the reporter afterwards with her heart still fluttering with fear.
"We thought it was the shake as a result of the piling; but we felt something wrong soon." "When the disaster occurred, Du Xiaocui, at the same age of Wang Feng, was working in the office on the third floor. She said the colleagues ran outside for the first reaction when they found it was the earthquake; but they returned to the office in a hurry and got under the table for the ballast ashes were falling unceasingly along the corridor together with serious shake. "A colleague was asking with cry that whether we could get out alive. We were greatly terrified and ran out of the building with mutual help when the shake was a little bit weaker. And many people were crying out whenever they got out of the door." as said by Du Xiaocui.
Wang Feng and Du Xiaocui were unknown an enormous disaster beyond their imagination was sweeping Sichuan and extending nationwide when they were escaping. "As measured by China National Earthquake Network, 7.6 magnitude earthquake occurred at Wenchuan County of Sichuan Province (North Latitude 31.0°, east longitude 103.4°) at 14:28 on May 12, 2008" (revised to 7.8 magnitude and 8.0 magnitude subsequently) With the dispatch issued by Xinhua News Agency at the first time, the whole nation was shocked and the whole world was shocked.
We are worried about the victims in the earthquake. As publicized upon rapid statistics, the victims increased from the initial 12000 to over 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000 and 69000…
The whole world collapsed at that moment and the whole nation was grieved at that moment…