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President Xu Jingren Was Elected Deputy Director of Jiangsu Pharmaceutical Association
Author: Date:2013/8/1 13:59:00 Read:1600
President Xu Jingren was honorably elected Deputy Director of Jiangsu Pharmaceutical Association in the 7th membership representative conference of the association as convened at Nanjing a few days ago.
Over 200 representatives from the local pharmaceutical control and management departments, medical and health units, medical institutes and pharmaceutical enterprises of Jiangsu Province attended the conference. Li Shaoli, Deputy Director and Secretary General of Chinese Pharmaceutical Association extended congratulations and delivered important speech. Li Jiping, Director of Food and Drug Administration of Jiangsu Province, Zhang Tieheng, Vice Chairman of Jiangsu Association for Science and Technology attended and addressed in the conference.
The conference discussion passed the work report made by Deputy Director Yao Xinzhong on behalf of the 6th Council and the amendment draft of the Articles of Association of Jiangsu Pharmaceutical Association as well as the financial income and expense statement. The 7th Council and the new leading institution as composed by 107 people came into being upon voting with Academician Peng Sixun, the academic leader of national important subject of the pharmaceutical chemistry and an academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Director Mao Jilin, Deputy Director of formal Medicine, Health and Sport Committee of Provincial Political Consultative Conference and Director of Provincial Food and Drug Administration, and President Wu Xiaoming, Deputy Director of Chinese Pharmaceutical Association and President of China Pharmaceutical University to be Honorary Director of the Council; Yao Xinzhong, Deputy Director of the Provincial Food and Drug Administration to be Director of the Council; such 8 s as Li Ji, Deputy Inspector of the Provincial Food and Drug Administration to be Deputy Director of the Council;  Li Ji to be Executive Deputy Director; and such 7 s as Zhou Zhengxing, Team Leader of Provincial Department of Supervision at the Health Department of Jiangsu Province, Wang Guangji, Vice President of China Pharmaceutical University, Cai Baochang, Vice President of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hu Gang, Vice President of Nanjing Medical University, Xu Jingren, Ren Jingsheng, Chairman of Simcere Pharmaceutical Group and Wang Yong, Chairman of Nanjing Sanhome Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. to be Deputy Director of the Council; and  Yuan Donghai to be Secretary General.
Director Li Jiping said in his speech that the convening of the 7th membership representative conference of Jiangsu Pharmaceutical Association was a grand event in the pharmaceutical field of Jiangsu Province. At the important moment of the association’s election, Director Li Jiping proposed four expectations for further reinforcing the construction of the association and giving a full play to the association: firstly, persist in serving the public health; secondly, persist in serving the drug administration so as to further create advantages of the association’s development; thirdly, persist in serving the economic development so as to further promote independent innovations of the pharmaceutical industry; fourthly, persist in serving the pharmaceutical undertakers so as to further intensify the self-construction of the association.