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YRPG Held Karaoke Match to Celebrate May Day
Author: Date:2013/8/1 0:00:00 Read:1336
The people inYangtze River PharmaceuticalGroup(YRPG)showed themselves and celebrated May Day with singing. On May 5, YRPG held a Karaoke Match to celebrate May Day and Youth Day in Hongfen Singing and Dancing Hall of Petrel Hotel. YRPG's leaders Xu Jingren, Xu Weiquan, Ji Hongquan and Zhang Minzhong watched the match.
Through the first two fierce preliminary matches, 20 contestantsfrom internal, external and subsidiaries of YRPG entered the final match. Ji Xunxun from the Second Sales Company sang Tribute to Public Servants, showing deep respect for Communists; Zhu Shaolin from Haici Biology Pharmaceutical Company sang Droma, showing passion of Tibetans and beauty of snow mountains and grasslands which brought the house down. Those melodious and classic songs such as Father, I Love You China, Red Flag Fluttering and Song of Ussuri Boat was performed by the contestants and aroused emotions of the audience. The audience gave enthusiastic applause continuously.
There are altogether one First Prize, two Second Prizes, three Third Prizes and four Encouragement Prizes in this match. Ji Xunxun from the Second Sales Company won the champion with excellent performance. After the match, YRPG's leaders awarded the prizes to the winners.
This match attracted many employees and enriched their festival culture life.YRPG's leaders attached great importance to the match. They watched the match in person and gave encouragement and support to the contestants. The teachers from Yangzhou Art School and Kouan Middle Schoolwere specially invited to act as judges. This ensured a fair and impartial competition.
The music teachers who have been invited to act as a judge of these matches said, "Contestants are all proficient in singing and matches of this kind have had great improvement. This shows YRPGhas attached importance to YRPG's cultural development."