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National Combat Readiness Medicine Enterprise Storage Work Survey Team Visited YRPG
Author: Date:2013/8/1 0:00:00 Read:1331
With aims to learn the combat readiness medicine enterprise storage implementation and problems, and propose correction measures to ensure effective implementation of the storage work, on May 8, the Combat Readiness Medicine Enterprise Storage Work Survey Team visited YRPG to investigate the storage situation in YRPG. The team was composed of personnel from national and provincial mobilization offices, the Rear-Service Department of Nanjing Military Region, and provincial and municipal medicine supervision departments.
Ji Weiqun, Vice Director of YRPG's storage medicine management team and Deputy General Manager, introduced YRPG's general information, the guiding plans and protection measures for the storage work, and some actions for the support of national defense. Sha Qi, Director of the Manufacturing Department, gave a special report focused on the storage management system, quality management, storage management, allocation and transfer management, financial management and batch alternation.
Later, the team came to YRPG's industrial park to conduct on-the-site investigation. In the automatic high-rack warehouse for combat readiness medicines, they had knowledge of the warehouse area, volume and medicine storages. In the production workshop and the Quality Inspection Center, they checked medicine production process and quality guarantee measures. They were satisfied with YRPG's storage situations. During the survey, both parties also had further communication on some detailed problems existing in the work to improve mechanism and cooperation.