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YRPG's Employees Donated Blood and Money for the Disaster Area
Author: Date:2013/8/1 0:00:00 Read:1367
At 7:30 on the afternoon of May 15, one mobile blood collection vehicle entered YRPG. Employees stood in a long line and waited for blood donation.
One driver hurried to donate his blood before starting his work. One male employee donated his blood again although it had not been 6 months since his last blood donation. This moved nurses. In the blood donation line, there were both YRPG's senior managers and ordinary employees. After the donation, they had no time to rest and hurried to their post. During such a short period, there were over 160 employees and managers donating blood and the accumulated blood were over 48000 ml.
The donation scene was also moving. Managers and employees stood in a long line waiting for donation. One female manager anonymously donated RMB 10,000 with tears in her eyes. Just on May 15, YRPG's internal employees and managers donated a total of RMB 110,485. At present, donation is underway and the donated money will be sent to the disaster area as soon as possible.
"Now Wenchuan suffers from severe disasters and needs people's support. So we come here to offer whatever we can to help." On the blood and money donation scene, all employees and managers expressed their best wishes to disaster-stricken people and hoped they could weather through the difficult situation as soon as possible.