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YRPG Held the Pledge and Signing Activity for "Honest Tax Payment and No Fake Account"
Author: Date:2013/8/1 0:00:00 Read:1377
"I pledge to stick to my post, work hard, devoted to my duty, contribute selflessly, reject making fake account, observe laws and disciplines, pay taxes honestly, and repay society." On April 8, the awareness month activity hosted by Gaogang Branch of Local Taxation Bureau of Taizhou was launched in YRPG. Over 300 accounting personnel from financial branches of YRPG and employee representatives from various departments lifted their right hands to solemnly made pledges.
April 2008 is the 17th national taxation awareness month. The theme is "taxation, development and people's livelihood". The content is "taxation for development and development for people's livelihood". The signing activity for "honest tax payment and no fake account" is the key round of signing activities by thousands of financial personnel of Taizhou, and the important beginning of signing activities by thousands of financial personnel Gaogang District. Vice General Manager of YRPG Xu Liqin and leaders from Gaogang Branch of Local Taxation Bureau attended the launching ceremony and addressed.
After the pledge, all employees signed their names on the scroll of "honest tax payment and no fake account". Financial personnel of YRPG declared to continuously enhance political sense, overall sense and sense of responsibility, be a good guard of enterprise wealth and a good bearer of the torch of honest tax payment, continuously study, exercise quality, stick to principles, reject fake account, honestly handle with taxes, and devote lifetime to it.
As one among top 500 enterprises of tax payment, YRPG wins market and builds up credits and image by legally and honestly paying taxes. In this activity, financial personnel from YRPG made the proposal of "honest tax payment and no fake account" to all financial personnel. They proposed that financial personnel should adhere to the professional ethics, keep professional responsibilities, abide by professional integrity, and improve the sense of teamwork. They called upon the whole society to pay taxes honestly, support development and pay attention to people's livelihood.
Besides, Gaogang Branch of Local Taxation Bureau organized training concerning taxation knowledge.