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Vice Chairman Han Qide Visited YRPG
Author: Date:2013/8/1 0:00:00 Read:1405
The spring is very much in the air of March. On March 25, Han Qide, Vice Chairman of Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and Central Chairman of Jiusan Society, visited YRPG. The accompanying staff was as follows: Zhu Longsheng, Deputy Director of Standing Committee of Jiangsu People's Congress and Secretary of Taizhou Municipal Party Committee; Zhang Taolin, Jiangsu Vice Governor; Taizhou Municipal leaders Yao Jianhua, Yang Feng, Wang Zhenna, and Ma Yun; and President Xu Jingren.
"The Group is bigger and more beautiful than before." Han Qide said at the first sight. He sighed with admiration for the huge changes, recalling the latest YRPG investigation in March 2004. Xu Jingren reported to Han Qide the newly-build YRPG Pharmaceutical Industrial Park had the total cost of RMB 650 million and the floor area of 600 mu. Seven in eight workshop buildings have been put into operation with the leading production technology in China.
In the Meeting Room of YRPG Director Building, Han Qide and accompaniers cordially discussed with Xu Jingren to learn YRPG development. In 2007, YRPG's production and sales volume hit its record. Its annual output value was RMB 13.08 billion and sales income was RMB 13.066 billion, ranking front on sales amount and profit and tax amount in the national pharmaceutical industry for consecutive four years. Xu Jingren introduced that oriented to the current situation, YRPG, adjusting the R&D direction, has basically stopped the generic drug R&D, and is promoting original new drug R&D with all strengths. In 2007, the project approval, investigation, and argumentation for 57 species have been completed; additionally, 30 species, including original new drugs of 8, have passed the technical and market argumentation. Han Qide praised the above achievements.
Han Qide carefully listened to the enterprise's comments and suggestions regarding a series of hot issues such as national medical and health system reform, drug price reduction, procurement by invitation to bid, and drug R&D innovation. Han Qide pointed out that independent innovation is very important for an enterprise, because the enterprise's expansion and development must rely on new thinking and innovative ideas, with the help of independent innovation, science and technology, as well as talents. YRPG has opened up an admirable road in the innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine. He encouraged YRPG to firmly rely on independent innovation, develop original new drugs with the independent intellectual property rights, and occupy the market with the first-class products, in a bid to build a world class pharmaceutical enterprise and make greater contribution to the national pharmaceutical industry.
Finally, Han Qide wrote an inscription for YRPG, "Develop the spirit of independent innovation and strengthen the national pharmaceutical industry".