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YRPG Became the Most Influential Brand of Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry
Author: Date:2013/8/1 0:00:00 Read:1417
[News playback] "The Most Influential Brand of Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry" as investigated by several authoritative networks on line including people.com, sohu.com, chinapp.com, scmall.cn, cubn.com and sun315.com was unveiled. "Weisu Granules" as produced by YRPG was honored the title of "The Most Influential Brand of Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry". At the same time, President Xu Jingren was appraised as "Top 10 Outstanding Entrepreneurs of Chinese Brand Construction" for his outstanding achievements in terms of the brand construction.
[Interpretation] Weisu Granules is closely related to Dong Jianhua. The drug was approved upon strict examination of the Ministry of Health in 1993. Multiple honors including "National Doctor Recommended Drug", "China TCM Famous Brand Product", "China High-and-New Technology Product", "National TCM Protective Variety" and "Famous Brand Product of Jiangsu Province" as won by the drug upon its release to the market are the best interpretation of the brand’s development.
[Demonstration] The continuous development of Weisu brand has driven the overall upgrading of the overall brand of YRPG.  Take ten years to sharpen a sword. YRPG’s trademark--- "Huyou" was formally awarded the famous trademark of China in 2005 upon the forging for many years. It symbolized the brand’s high quality, high reputation and high credit have been unanimously recognized by the consumers and the society. "The Rank of Top 100 Consumption Brands with the Most Values" as jointly hosted by PKU Business Review and the Management and Security Research Center of Peking University was unveiled not long before. YRPG’s "Huyou" was enrolled successfully as the only pharmaceutical brand of Jiangsu Province.
To establish the image from varied aspects and establish the brand in an all-round way has not only further consolidated YRPG’s status in the pharmaceutical market, but enabled "Huyou" brand to be the nationally renowned brand. President Xu Jingren felt the pharmaceutical industry was a rising industry. With the international development of the industry, the domestic pharmaceutical industry has marched into the times of brand competition. YRPG would base on the domestic development and march into the world to create an YRPG brand road featuring self-development and independent innovation.