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Haini Guild Hall Supported Special Olympics
Author: Date:2013/7/31 0:00:00 Read:1325
On the night of September 28, Mexico delegation to participate in the Special Olympics World Summer Games lived in the Guild Hall of Shanghai Haini Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (YRPG's Subsidiary). 42 athletes and coaches from North America felt loved and cared.
As a reception place designated by Zhoupu Town, Nanhui District, Shanghai, facing difficulties of receiving foreign visitors and special people for the first time, Shanghai Haini Guild Hall put great efforts for the reception work. They invested a large number of human and material resources to make good preparation: hardware reformation, formulating regulations and training for special services. All their services in check-in, network center, consultancy, catering and accommodation reflected their concern and respect for athletes of Special Olympics. All these showed kindness and elegance of YRPG's employees.
Careful Safety Check: Since August, Haini Guild Hall has accepted a total of 37 checks from all levels of governments, heath supervision, epidemic prevention, public security and firefighting, foreign affairs and civil affairs departments. To ensure athletes' safety, all articles with safety hazards are removed. Besides, they also formulate strict preventive plans for food and firefighting safety.
Strengthening Training:
To apply the regulated standards to practice, Hanni Guild Hall regards employees' quality training as an important link reception. Since August, they have organized VIP waiter assessment each month and set up awards for excellent employees and innovative dishes. In addition to the training for Special Olympic organized by all levels of governments, according to Special Olympic receiving requirements, all departments also extend a series of special training involving ideology, regulated process, skill and operation, Special Olympic knowledge, service knowledge and foreign languages etc. Besides, they attend strict military training. All these trainings have helped improve employees' quality and make good preparations for their reception work.
Caring for Catering:
The delegation from Mexico arrived late on the night of September 28, and then they had a good dinner. Volunteers practiced their applause to show their warm welcome. The food and beverage department purchased raw materials carefully and cooked elaborately. All bones were picked out and dishes were various. Since guests from Mexico liked to drink carbonatedbeveragesuch as Coke or Sprite but the Special Olympic Organization Committee did not allow it, through negotiation with the guests and the Organization Committee, Haini Guild Hall provided another four kinds of beverage. These guests were satisfied with Chinese dishes. During the dinner, they learned to use chopsticks and speak Chinese. They enjoyed their dinner.
Due to a long trip and climate differences, some athletes had a cold. Haini Guild Hall coordinated with relevant departments to take measures. In the premise of safety, they opened windows and doors of the guest rooms for ventilation in order to help them recover as soon as possible. Since some athletes went abroad for the first time and due to their "special" physique, they missed their family very much and seemed very vulnerable. One athlete hung her father's photo on the neck and looked at it every now and then. When a waiter in the Guild Hall went to comfort her, she held the waiter with tears in her eyes. Witnessing scenes, employees in the Guild Hall greeted in newly-learned Spanish and expressed their praise, credit and encouragement with gestures to solve guests' problems in life.
Social community reception plans are non-sport items in Special Olympics. Athletes from Mexico attended the social community reception party jointly held by Zhoupu Government and Haini Guild Hall. They felt the local culture and could adapt to the environment and relax themselves. In these several days, athletes from Mexico showed their coordination, cooperation and diligence, which impressed all employees in Haini Guild Hall. Many athletes became good friends with waiters. They exchanged presents and contacts, and took photos together.
On the morning of October 3, the bus carrying the Mexican delegation left Haini Guild Hall with the waving arms of the farewell team. So far, Shanghai Haini Guild Hall has finished their reception work for Special Olympics World Summer Games successfully. Through this reception, Haini Guild Hall gained a different experience and got unprecedented improvement. (By Li Jiang and Chen Miaoqian)