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YRPG Ascended to Key Cultivated Enterprises of Jiangsu
Author: Date:2013/7/31 0:00:00 Read:1348
Recently, Jiangsu Economic and Information Technology Commission released the lists of top 100 key cultivated enterprises of Jiangsu. YRPG was on the list.
Aimed at promoting the comprehensive strength and core competitiveness of large enterprises and large groups in Jiangsu, Jiangsu Economic and Information Technology Commission selected 100 enterprises with competitive development momentum, innovation ability, development potential and driving effects as the first group of outstanding and strong enterprises for key cultivation and support. The 100 enterprises were recommended by all cities, assessed by experts and finally determined by CPC organization of Jiangsu Economic and Information Technology Commission. Among others, 10 enterprises of Taizhou were on the list.
As we know, Jiangsu Economic and Information Technology Commission is inclined for the selected enterprises in the following aspects: arrangement of fiscal funds, coordination of production factors, coordination of key projects funds, consultation of industry policies, and implementation of preferential policies of the State and Jiangsu. It propels the sound and fast development of YRPG.