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Xu Jingren: Lighten the Passion with the Sacred Fire
Author:Li Jiang Date:2008/5/29 16:12:49 Read:1336



The expectation for one hundred years was realized on a day. The sacred fire of Olympic "Cloud of Fortune" arrived at Taizhou, an ancient and young city with the concerns of 5million Taizhou people.  
The torch relay began from Jiangsu Taizhou Middle School, the alma mater of Secretary General Hu Jintao with thousands of passionate audiences surrounding on the way to the termination at the People’s Square. The route was overflowed with the slogan of "China, come on" "Olympic, come on", "Sichuan, come on". With the red heart everywhere, vivid national flags and crimson sacred fire, it was a red ocean far and near.  
All the participants stood in silent tribute for one minute to condole the compatriots killed in the earthquake at Sichuan before the torch relay. In the disaster relief donation held by the Municipal Torch Relay Organization Committee, Zhang Yunquan, the National Moral Model and the first torch bearer, donated RMB150,000 on behalf of all torch bearers and escort runners; YRPG bounteously donated RMB1million again on the site 
The torch relay at Taizhou station was 12.8km with 104 torch bearers and 28 escort runners engaged, in which, the eldest was Jiang Xun, 78 years old, a primary school teacher of Secretary General; the youngest was 17 years old; President Xu Jingren was the second torch bearer.  
The torch relay started officially at 9:20am. Xu Jingren lightened the torch from the hand of the first torch bearer Zhang Yunquan. It was a memorable experience for his life although it was only 60m. He was rather excited. "Come on, come on." With the unceasing cheers along to two sides, Xu Jingren looked rather young and vigorous while holding the "Cloud of Fortune" sacred fire. He was smiling and waved to the crowd while running. 
"My honor to participate in the sacred fire relay in person, witness the Olympics and undertake the Olympic spirit would encourage YRPG and myself to work harder, develop the Olympic spirit of being faster, higher and stronger, better promote the sound and rapid development of the enterprise and make due contributions to revitalizing the national pharmaceutical undertaking." As said by Xu Jingren with excitement in face of multiple media on the site of torch relay. He stated he would pass on the Olympic spirit, love and hope of the disaster-affected people with his actions in fact.  
The sacred fire lightened the infinite passion of YRPG people. They were displaying their elegance among the crowd of passionate cheers, which established beautiful scenery. In order to cheer for the torch relay, a team of 60 employees was dispatched to Taizhou. They were wearing the culture T-shirt with Olympic face painting and shaking the five-star red flag and Olympic five ring flag at East Yingchun Road in wait for the torch relay. In the special team, 30 members from Dujiangyan, the disaster-affected area, were native employees of Sichuan transferred from Sichuan Hairong Pharmaceutical Company, a subsidiary company of the group. They were deeply moved and inspired by the love to people at their hometown as passed by the Olympic torch. They were unceasingly yelling "China, come on! Olympics, come on! Sichuan, boom up!" with Sichuan dialect. When some employees of the group couldn’t cheer for the Olympics on the site, they were watching the live broadcast on TV at Employee Home. 
In the afternoon of the day when President Xu Jingren returned to the enterprise with the torch that he was passing in person, the whole factory was filled with ebullience. Employees shouted and jumped for joy, gathered at Orient Red Plaza, competed to see the ""Cloud of Fortune" torch. They required taking a joint photo with Chairman Xu in succession. When they were sharing the joyance, they’d completely felt the torch strength and further excited their work enthusiasm. 
"China, come on!" "Olympics, come on! "YRPG people were marching toward a faster, higher and stronger target with enthusiasm under the leadership of President Xu Jingren at the group’s Five Rings Plaza.