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YRPG Had Been Appraised as Municipal Green Enterprise for Successive Three Years
Author: Date:2008/6/23 8:20:09 Read:1273


With the approaching of the 37th World Environment Day, Taizhou Environmental Protection Bureau publicized the environmental behavior grading of 1464 enterprises above designated size in 2008, in which, 39 green enterprises, 500 blue enterprises, 737 yellow enterprises, 159 red enterprises and 29 black enterprises. Among such 39 green enterprises, 11 enterprises including YRPG has been appraised as municipal green enterprise for successive three years. 
The enterprise environmental grading appraisal has been carried out for three times successful at present ever since 2005 when the environmental grading of enterprises above designated size was initiated at Taizhou City. In the grading, green represents very good, which requires the enterprise’s environment management to pass ISO14000 attestation or apply the clean production technology with advanced environmental behaviors; blue represents good, which requires the enterprise’s environment superior to relevant pollution control index and satisfying the environment management requirement; yellow represents normal, which indicates the enterprise’s pollutant discharge has reached the national standard with some environment problem available; red represent bad, which indicates the enterprise’s environmental behaviors fail to reach the national control standard although the pollution control is made or some pollution accident has occurred with the environmental violation available for penalty; black represents very bad, which indicates the enterprise’s pollutant discharge fail to reach the national standard frequently and has caused serious pollution to the environment, or some serious pollution accident has occurred with the environmental violation subject to resistance.
According to the documents jointly issued by the People’s Bank of China Nanjing Sub-branch and the Environmental Protection Department of Jiangsu Province, the enterprise’s environmental behavior grading result will be completely copied to the People’s Bank of China Taizhou Sub-branch to be included in the bank’s enterprise credit information system. Thus the bank system will establish the corresponding credit reply project according to the grading result by the environmental protection department, and then collocate the credit recourse rationally. 
As to those green and blue enterprises, they will enjoy simple loan procedures and active loan support. As to those yellow enterprises, they are recognized as neutral enterprises by the environmental protection department and the bank will decide whether the loan can be issued. As to those red and black enterprises, the loan scale will be strictly controlled with the issuance of any newly-added loan prohibited except for renewing and reconstructing the establishments for pollution treatment and discharge reduction. In case the rectification of these black enterprises still fail to be satisfied within the time limit, the existing loan will be withdrawn gradually.