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YRPG Convened 2008 Mid-Year Work Conference
Author: Date:2008/7/3 8:38:22 Read:1328



On June 30, YRPG convened a mid-year work conference to look back the unordinary strive course in the first half year, conclude the work achievements and experience as obtained, and deploy the work tasks for the second half year in an all-round way. Yao Jianhua, Vice Secretary of Municipal CPC Committee and Vice Mayor, Lu Peimin, Vice Major and Wang Jian, Secretary of the CPC Committee of Gaogang District as well as other leaders attended the conference. 
In the first half year, YRPG has made an overall planning, taken advantage of the occasion, seized opportunities voluntarily, been confronted with challenges, created new advantages of scientific development to promote the sound and rapid development of the enterprise, obtain new achievements and accumulate new experience in face of such disadvantageous factors as great increase of raw materials, unknown medical reform, drug price reduction and online bidding invitation. The group has realized the sales and profit tax increase by 19.8% and 18.6% respectively than those of the same period of the preceding year with various primary economic and technical indexes reaching a new record in history at meanwhile. Besides, the enterprise has successfully obtained the production approval for four new drugs, over ten supplementary application approvals, one successful declaration for special industrialization with National Development and Reform Commission, two national torch plans and one national key new product. At the same time, new breakthrough has been made on the overseas market with the trade volume increased by 129% than that of the same period of the preceding year. The enterprise was awarded such special honors as “Top 100 Private Science and Technology Enterprises of Jiangsu Province”, “Civilized Unit Model of Jiangsu Province”, “National Genuine Software Demonstration Unit” and “Grade A Tax Payment Credit Level”, etc. 
President Xu Jingren delivered a summary report at the conference. During the “Two Sessions”, General Secretary Hu Jintao shook hands with Xu Jingren and earnestly entrusted him to develop the drug R&D in our own way. With General Secretary Hu’s entrustment as the action guidance, YRPG persisted in the development philosophy of independent innovation, increase the scientific and technological R&D level and create the enterprise’s core competitiveness. YRPG considered the market as a battlefield, made innovations and struggled to make breakthrough with flourishing operations achieved as a result. Internally, the enterprise deemed the technical innovation as the guidance, considered the product quality as the enterprise’s life with the production line in process featuring high quality and created outstanding enterprise culture with the “four civilizations” as the foundation so as to actively promote the construction of a harmonious enterprise. Besides, the development of various subsidiary companies of the group entered the stock rail with their competiveness improved and social responsibility displayed for the first time in the great battle of earthquake resistance and disaster relief.  
Xu Jingren also analyzed and made expectations for international and domestic pharmaceutical trend. He pointed out that the enterprise would face more complicated and changeful situations with more uncertain factors from the aspect of the macro-economic situation; and the market expansion would co-exist with competition with increasingly serious enterprise screening from the aspect of pharmaceutical industry market. Difficulties would coexist with opportunities. YRPG would not be afraid of difficulties but seize opportunities to accelerate its independent innovation, transform its economic development methods timely and possess the market  commanding point with strategic views to realize the leaping-forward development of the enterprise. 
Xu Jingren made detailed work deployment for the second half year. The general requirements and struggle objective for the second half year were to further study and implement the spirit of “the 17th National Congress” and the spirit of “6.13” central conference, persist in the scientific outlook on development, liberate the thinking, transform the enterprise’s development methods, accelerate the independent innovation, facilitate the transformation from “YRPG manufacture” to “YRPG creation” under the guidance of General Secretary Hu Jingtao’s earnest entrustment so as to guarantee the realization of the work tasks and objectives of the year. Besides, efforts shall also be made to promote the sound and rapid development of the enterprise with five “more emphasis” accomplished in detail; that is, more emphasis on the quality and benefit of the enterprise’s development, more emphasis on the R&D innovations, more emphasis on the development philosophy of “quality first”, more emphasis on the “environment-friendly as the priority”, “energy conservation and discharge reduction”, and more emphasis on the harmonious development. 
Mayor Yao Jianhua congratulated to YRPG’s achievements in the first half year. He said that its achievements originated from the solid leadership core, the scientific marketing strategy, the innovative R&D mechanism and active talent development strategy. 
Yao Jianhua pointed out that the current development of the pharmaceutical industry was facing an important crossroad. As to the pharmaceutical enterprises, they were facing challenges and opportunities as well. To see from the pharmaceutical economic development trend from the international area and the development situation of domestic pharmaceutical industry, the development of the pharmaceutical industry featured some uncertain factors. Nevertheless, the industry was re-following a road of rapid increase with its self-adjustment and the market drive. It was expected that the gross output value of the pharmaceutical industry would reach 740 billion Yuan to 760 billion Yuan, with about 20% increase than that of the same period of the preceding year. Now, YRPG has been the champion among national pharmaceutical enterprises with its development accelerated in latest years. The enterprise was featuring obvious advantages to be stronger. 
Yao Jianhua stated that one of the key points of implementing the General Secretary’s guidance was to develop rapider than that of the counterparts. With leading objectives and aiming at the international market, efforts shall be made to establish the subjective of “leading in domestic scope while marching towards the world”, strive to be the guider in the pharmaceutical industry, the explorer on the pharmaceutical market and the leader of the pharmaceutical enterprises. The speed shall be accelerated to deepen the development of the education activities with the theme of “implementing the scientific outlook on development to make contributions to Taizhou” within the enterprise so as to further liberate the thinking, increase burden independently and obtain the leaping-forward development in a step by step manner of each year; the competitiveness shall be improved to continue to intensify the market exploration, independent innovation, high-level talents introduction and the international operation strategy. 
Advanced groups, outstanding management cadres, worker models and advanced workers were grandly commended at the conference.