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YRPG Was Listed among “Top 500 Enterprises of China with the Most Favor of People”
Author: Date:2008/10/7 16:19:00 Read:1270



The other day, the result of the first “Top 500 Enterprises of China with the Most Favor of People” of national enterprise development and new rural construction was announced. YRPG was ranked in the 59th place, improving the popularity and reputation of the Group. 
Hosted by the Consumption Daily Press, Chinese Enterprise Culture Network and Chinese Agricultural Product Industry Information Network, the 1st “Top 500 Enterprises of China with the Most Favor of People” of national enterprise development and new rural construction was officially launched on June 22. Thousands of enterprises were finalists in the selection as candidates. The judging panel called for votes from the society through public voting platform such as network, telephone, messages and so on. Millions of votes have been received and based on the votes 500 enterprises stood out and was selected as “Top 500 Enterprises of China with the Most Favor of People” of national enterprise development and new rural construction upon comprehensive assessment. YRPG won the trust and praise of the people against its long-nurtured outstanding enterprise brand and regular public activities and thus ranked 59th of all the 500 enterprises. 
During the development of the Group, YRPG attached great importance to brand building and reciprocation to the society, establishing a sound social image. In May 2008, when Wenchuan suffered a severe earthquake, YRPG made the decision of providing aids and made a donation of medicine of RMB 20,000,000. Besides, RMB 3,000,000 was raised for the disaster area among the staff of the Group, along with blood donation of 50,000cc, providing strong support to earthquake relief work. From 2001 to 2003, YRPG has held a large-scale public service activity with the theme of caring the health of people in the West for three year with an investment of more than 40 million, bringing health care, drugs and health to people in the West and wining the praises of the people. At the same time, the charity society also held lots of activities of helping the poor, aiding study and building bridges to warm up the people around for many years with the investment added up to more than RMB 10,000,000. What YRPG has done not only brings care and warm to the people but also build up a monument in their hearts.