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YRPG Held Warning Education in Detention Center
Author:Li Jiang Date:2008/10/20 10:18:31 Read:1260



A warning lesson was given to the head persons of all departments, project supervisors and all the workers in the departments of finance, auditing and purchase in Taizhou Detention Center under the organization of the Auditing Department of the Group in the afternoon of October 15.  
The television supervisory system showed the life and work of the prisoners. Such a sight shocked all the participants. Meanwhile, a prisoner committing duty crime gave a speech on his own experience. The reason of his corruption was revealed with remorseful words. His departing from principle and the correct stand in front of temptation led him to the way of crime. He expressed his regrets and apologized to the party, his relatives and all the people for his wrong deed. He also set himself as a negative example and warned every leader of YRPG against abuse of power. Everyone was touched by the education. 
Such warning education brought everyone a closer sight to the harm of duty crime. All the participants reflected that the lesson was much more visualized than theory lesson and training, hence a better effect of warning; they would cherish their present happy life and set up correct view on power, status and interest, taking every step cautiously with the sense of incorruptness. 
“It is just the care of all the party members and cadres of the Group that leads to the regular warning education on combating corruption and upholding integrity in the Group.” quoted Ye Guisheng, section chief in the legal affairs department of the Group. The Group held monthly anti-corruption education and often invited public security organs and law-enforcement departments of the city and district to publicize legal knowledge. It has been the third time that the cadres and workers are organized to accept warning education in the detention center. The constant warnings and reinforced supervision and restraint mechanism deepen the construction of honest administration and anti-corruption work, boosting the sound development of economics. For recent years, violation of law and regulations in the Group has been lessened.