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Wan Gang, Vice-chairman of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Visited YRPG
Author:Li Jiang Date:2008/10/29 16:54:15 Read:1323






In the fresh and beautiful season of autumn, Wan Gang, Vice-chairman of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and minister of Ministry of Science and Technology who was paying a visit to Taizhou came to inspect the enterprise technological innovation of YRPG. Bao Guoxin (vice-chairman of Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference), Xu Nanping (assistant governor of Jiangsu Province), Zhu Kejiang (head of the Department of Science and Technology of Jiangsu Province), Yao Iianhua and Chen Keqin (municipal leaders) as well as Xu Jingren (president of YRPG) were in the accompanying party. 
Driving through the beautiful and modern pharmaceuticals industry park of YRPG, the vice-chairman Wan Gang was quite interested in the sight full of vigorousness and he also made inquiry about the development of the Group, such as the business performance, current research personnel and research input. 
Wan Gang was very glad to learn that the sales revenue of YRPG in last year summed up to RMB 13,060,000,000 and that of this year was expected to increase by 20% year on year; that the strategic branches and offices have been set in Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Guangzhou and Chengdu and other cities in succession; that there was a R&D team composing of more than 200 staff and 3% of annual sales revenue was taken as technological innovation input; that the Group has been ranked in the first innovative enterprises and become a key national laboratory of new technological enterprises of pharmaceutical preparation. He congratulated the Group for its top-ranking in national pharmaceuticals industry. 
Wan Gang and his party came straightly to the quality inspection center for inspection. He stopped at the production showcase and made a detailed inquiry to the workers for the curative effect of the medicine. In the physiotherapy room on the 2nd floor of the center, he nodded for affirmation at the view of world-class medicine inspection equipment and the professional technical inspection team which provided quality assurance, urging that medicine quality should come in the first place and the Group must ensure drug safety. 
Xu Jingren reported that in accordance with the directives of the general secretary to upgrade the research and development, YRPG was accelerating the strategic transformation from the imitating-to-innovating and imitating-with-innovating mode to the independent-innovation mode, facing the main responsibility of research and innovation. At present, there were 150 items under research, including almost 10 A-class new drugs and a virtuous circle of research and development, which is, a batch under approved application, a batch under research and a batch under inventory, has been built. 
To build a first-class platform of drug research and development in China and attract the talents as well as excellent achievements in and abroad, YRPG plans to invest hundreds of millions to the construction of Jiangsu (Taizhou) New Drug Institution. Xu Jingren elaborated the project to Wan Gang with the planning map presented. The construction of the institution was expected to take 5 years and four new drug research and development centers (the research centers of pharmaceutical chemicals, traditional Chinese medicine, biologics and pharmaceutical preparation application) would be established with the combination of research resources in and abroad along with supporting centers of scientific research translation and industrialization bases. The institution, once established, would rank on the top of its kind in China on research conditions, technological innovation ability and research translation ability. 
“The great strengthen of YRPG gives great promise to Taizhou for the establishment of China Medical City.” quoted Wan Gang, who expressed his appreciation on the Group’s achievements obtained with technological innovation, improved core competitiveness and great-leap-forward development. He stressed that the disadvantages of Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises lay in the unreasonable industrial structure, weak innovative capacity; the people’s livelihood was always taken as the focus in the medium-term and long-term scientific development plans; the emphasis of technological development should be put in medical and health services and pharmacy. He also put out that YRPG should devote greater effort in research and development of new effective drugs for better service to the people.  
The visit of the vice-chairman Wan Gang to YRPG, despite its shortness in time, has brought great encourage to the Group and powerful impetus to technological development. 
In the accompanying party, there were also the head of the Group Xu Liqin, the deputy General Manager Sun Tianjiang, the General Manager assistants Liang Yuantai and Liu Xiuxia, the general engineer Liu Weidong and the head of the Institution of Pharmaceutical Research Yang Jun, etc.