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Journalists of Enterprises and Public Institutions of Whole Province Gathered in YRPG
Author: Date:2008/11/27 17:04:31 Read:1354


The Association of Journalists of Enterprises and Public Institutions of Jiangsu Province held the forum for 30 years’ anniversary of reform and opening up in YRPG on November 26. Zhou Shikang, Vice Chairman of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee and President of Association of Journalists of Enterprises and Public Institutions of Jiangsu Province, Miao Zhihong, Standing Member of the Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Propaganda Department as well as more than 100 journalists from over 70 enterprises and public institutions attended the meeting. 
Zhou Shikang said that in front of the new situations and the new missions, the holding of the forum for 30 years’ anniversary of reform and opening up was to firmly grasp the correct guidance of public opinions according to the requirements of the central government, try to make the media of enterprises and public institutions as bridges and mouthpiece connecting all directions of enterprises and public institutions, and make new contributions to reform, development and stability of enterprises and public institutions and continuous liberation of thinking, sticking to open and reform, promoting scientific development, and facilitate harmonious and good atmosphere of public opinions of the society. 
Miao Zhihong said that the journalism work of enterprises and public institutions are bridges and links that communicate upper and lower levels and connect inside and outside of enterprises and public institutions, and even more an important comprising part of our Party’s propaganda, having played an active role in adhering to correct guidance of public opinions, advocating main theme, carrying out ideological and political work and facilitate scientific civilization, etc. The meeting has brought new motives and concepts to the journalism work of enterprises and public institutions and propaganda work of our city. 
The meeting was sponsored by the Association of Journalists of Enterprises and Public Institutions of Jiangsu Province and undertaken by YRPG. Ji Weiqun, Vice General Manager of YRPG attended the forum for 30 years’ anniversary of reform and opening up and made a welcome speech. He introduced the development situation of YRPG in the past over 30 years as well as the achievements of the enterprise in strengthening journalism and advertisement work. He expressed that the group would modestly learn from excellent enterprises in the province, create corporate culture construction and jointly create the new world for the media of enterprises and public institutions in Jiangsu. 
“Datun Coal Power Cup” essay contest and 2007 Journalism Award-giving Ceremony were held on the forum, and newspapers and magazines from all enterprises and public institutions were shown. On the forum, 10 units including YRPG, Xuzhou Coal Mining Group and Sinopec Yangzi Petrochemical Company Ltd. exchanged experiences and methods in strengthening the journalism work of enterprises and public institutions. The meeting attendants also visited and investigated YRPG.