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Jiangsu High-level Forum for 30 Years’ Pharmaceutical Reform and Opening up Was Held
Author: Date:2008/12/8 9:20:08 Read:1486


On December 2, the 1st Third Director (Expansion) Conference of Jiangsu Pharmaceutical Professional Association and High-level Forum for 30 Year’s Pharmaceutical Reform and Opening up in Jiangsu Province was held in Nanjing. Li Quanlin, vice director of the Provincial NPC Standing Committee and Xu Jingren, President of Jiangsu Pharmaceutical Professional Association and Chairman of the Board of YRPG attended and gave speeches. More than 100 people attended the meeting, including vice presidents, directors of the association and representatives of member units. 
Li Quanlin pointed out in the speech that in order to make the pharmaceutical industry in Jiangsu bigger and stronger, it is necessary to greatly develop bio-pharmaceutical industry, encourage technical innovation of pharmaceutical enterprises, and realize scaled development of pharmaceutical as emerging industry, in which the Pharmaceutical Professional Association shall sufficiently exert its self-discipline management functions, social service functions and industrial inspection and supervision functions. 
Xu Jingren made a working report on behalf of Jiangsu Pharmaceutical Professional Association, carried out conclusion and review on the work of the Association since the 1st secondary directors’ meeting. In the past year, the Association deeply implemented the spirit of the 17th Congress of the Party, further implemented Several Opinions on Accelerating the Promotion of Reform and Development of Industrial Associations and Chambers of Commerce of the State Council and the Opinions on Reform and Development of Industrial Associations of Industry and Commerce Fields of Jiangsu Province issued by the Economic and Trade Commission and the Department of Civil Affairs of the province, stuck to actively exerting the functions of the association as bridge, consultant, assistant and communication, coordination and service, further strengthened the infrastructure construction, expanded the working fields, and strengthened the self-disciplines of the industry. All relevant jobs have obtained active progress. 
Xu Jingren made deployment on the future work of the association. He pointed out that in the coming year, guided by the spirit of the third plenary session of the 17th Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, the association shall feasibly strengthen the construction of integrity and culture of pharmaceutical enterprises, greatly carry out policy researches and information popularization as well as industrial economy statistics, trying to improve the social service functions of the association; further strengthen the management and the construction of the association, standardize the operation system of the association; strengthen the self-discipline of the industry and advocate the healthy development of the pharmaceutical industry so as to make greater contributions to the new development of the pharmaceutical industry in Jiangsu. 
On the meeting the financial statements of the association made by Chen Youxiang, Standing Vice Director and the report on setting up special committee for Chinese herbal pieces made by Yan Zheng, Vice Director were approved through discussion. The Resolution Made on Setting up Special Committee for Chinese Herbal Pieces (Draft) was inspected and reviewed. Tao Yuebao, the Vice Director made the report on relevant personnel changes and the supplements of vice directors, standing members and members of Jiangsu Pharmaceutical Professional Association. Matters such as resolutions made on personnel changes and engagement of Vice Secretary-general of the association were discussed and approved. 
Zhu Youdi, Director of Research Section of the State Council and Profession Zhu Shuzhen from China Pharmaceutical University made special reports on influences and countermeasures of pharmaceutical industry concerning the current macroeconomic situation.  
The progress during the 30 years’ development after reform and opening up of the pharmaceutical industry in Jiangsu has been concluded and new targets have been put forward to promote the pharmaceutical economy of Jiangsu.