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Register Notice for New Employees of 2008
Author:YRPG Date:2008/6/3 15:54:59 Read:1488


                                                                                         Register notice      
New employees: 
Hi. Welcome to become a member of YRPG. In order to do well in your entry affairs, the registry notice for new employees of 2008 is hereby made below, please read it carefully. 
I. Register arrangement: 
1. Register time: 8:00—17:00 on July 9 and 8:00—17:00 on July 10 
2. Register address: YRPG, No. 1, South Yangzijiang Road, Gaogang District, Taizhou City
    Detailed address: Huahong Apartment, YRPG Headquarter 
3、The registered employees would be newly-enrolled employees of YRPG headquarter, Jiangsu Haici Biological Company, Guangzhou Hairui, Sichuan Hairong, Nanjing Hailing, Beijing Haiyan and Shanghai Haini; 
II. Register flow: please wait at the guard’s room after arrival at YRPG headquarter. Relevant people will lead you to the register site. Please sign, withdraw the training materials and go through procedures according to the clue plate at the register site. Relevant leaders of the company will console new employees in the evening of the second day. In case of any question or difficulty, you may propose at that time and we’ll try our best to help each new employee. 
III. We may provide the following services to you:
As to students to arrive by train, you may take the corresponding train to Tizhou station or Nanjing station according to the railway time schedule as provided in Annex 4; as to students to arrive by bus, you may take the corresponding bus to Taizhou Taizhou Passenger Transportation South Station at your local bus station. 
①Reception at Taizhou Railway Station: 8:00—17:00 on July 9 and July 10
Contact person: Zhao Xueqin, Liu Debing
Contact method: Zhao 139-2170-2756 Liu 138-5286-7437
②Reception time at Taizhou Passenger Transportation South Station: 8:00—17:00 on July 9 and July 10
Contact person: Gao Fei
Contact method: 137-7568-8601
3、Register individually 
①Taizhou Railway Station: you may take No. 1 bus to Taizhou Passenger Transportation South Station, then take a taxi (RMB6/person by carpooling), or take No. 51 bus after walking to the south by 100m and passing a crossroad, get off at “YRPG”
②Taizhou Bus Station: if you get off at the south station, please take a taxi after getting out of the station (RMB6/person), or take No. 51 bus after walking to the south by 100m and passing a crossroad, and get off at “YRPG”. If you get off at the north station, you are suggested taking a taxi (RMB15/person by carpooling) directly to “YRPG”. 
③Nanjing Railway Station: if you get off at Nanjing Railway Station, please take the bus in the opposite of the station to Nanjing Coast East Station (No. 10 bus) and get off at Taizhou Passenger Transportation South Station by bus (note: Taizhou Passenger Transportation South Station). The last bus to Taizhou is 18:40. The route after your getting off is the same as above-said“②”. 
④Headquarter reception, contact person: Ji Pei, Pan Shuokai 
Contact method: Ji 137-7568-2548 Pan 132-7077-1389
4、Please take your daily articles. In case you demand the company to purchase such articles as the matting, thermos bottle, pillow and washing basins on the behalf, please complete Annex 2 (the column of purchase on the behalf in the Individual Information Form) and sent it to the email xuchao@yangzijiang.com prior to June 7. 
5、You may send your large package to the company, which would be withdrawn by the Human Resource Department on the behalf. Address: Ji Pei to (individual name) Human Resource Department of YRPG, No. 1, South Yangzijiang Road, Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province, zip code: 225321 (the company will no longer withdraw the package and parcel list available after July 12. Please withdraw it by you individually.)
IV. Necessary articles 
1、Certificates and duplicates: the academic degree certificate, the graduation certificate, CET 4 (6) certificate, computer grading certificate in original and two duplicates respectively; the dispatch certificate, the party relation transfer certificate, the household register transfer certificate, eight color photos of 1” (photo for the ID card to be taken at the local place where the company is located), three ID card duplicates 
2、Please keep your train ticket properly and we will collect upon your register. The company will reimburse the one-way train hard seat and hard berth ticket or bus ticket from your school to the company or from your native place to the company (the hard berth ticket can only be reimbursed as to the travel over 10 hours).
V. Miscellaneous 
1、See the annex for the new employee name list (Annex 1)
2、http://www.jsmap.com.cn/index.aspx。The train schedule inquiry software is attached. Please download it, decompress and install it to inquire about the latest train and time. As to Taizhou map, see http://www.jsmap.com.cn/index.aspx. 
3、With new employee’s Individual Information Registration Form attached (Annex 2). Please complete the form in time and send it to the company’s email xuchao@yangzijiang.com in time prior to June 7. 
4、In case the new employee relies the email, please unify the email name form: Individual Information Registration Form + name 
5、In case of any question, please contact the training center 
Chen Kui 0523-86976338(O) 139-6101-0043(M)
Ji  Pei  0523-86976399(O) 137-7568-2548(M)
6. Please register in time. In case of delayed register, please contact Chen Kui or Ji Pei of the training center to explain in detail and may delay the register upon approval.  
Annex 1: New Employee Name List 
Annex 2: Individual Information Registration Form
Annex 3: Necessary Documents for Register.doc 
Annex 4: Train Schedule Inquiry Program 
                                                                                                                                                                        June 1, 2008