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Love Gathered to Build the Well-off Road
Author: Date:2003/9/8 14:28:00 Read:1280


On September 2, the traffic road long expected by villagers of Xuzhuang Village, Kou'an Town, Gaogang District started work. Villagers could not conceal their joys and volunteered to join in building the road.
Xuzhuang Village is located at the northeast of Kou'an Town. The village has 29 village groups and a total population of 2,800. For a long time, for the lack of fund, the road across the village was out of repair for years, and the road was full of bumps and hollows. When villagers went in and out, they were often covered by dusts in sunny days and muds in rainy days. They complained about the condition and strongly expected a smooth and clean concrete road.
Building a road is the first step to achieve prosperity. So the town and village leaders made the determination to build the traffic road closely related to the people's livelihood and regarded it as the key project of fulfilling practical matters for people. When hearing that the road fund was not collected after several tries, YRPG who has been into public welfare provided timely help, and funded 110,000 Yuan in a lump sum. Thanks to the love from all sectors of society, Xuzhuang road started construction.
The new Xuzhuang road is 25,000 km long, 3.5 m wide, with concrete face. The total investment is over 500,000 Yuan. The road will be completed in September. "Thank the Party and the government. Thank YRPG's kind support. We will make Xuzhuang road the access to prosperity." Villager Committee of Xuzhuang Village Liu Ruihua said with appreciation and confidence. Under his leadership, over 700 households contributed money and labor, engaging themselves in building the road.
A common road tightly united the Party and the mass. With the construction of the road filled with love, Villagers of Xuzhuang Village vigorously stepped on the road to prosperity. (By Li Jiang)