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Boundless Love Dedicated to Society
Author: Date:2007/11/22 14:29:47 Read:4670

While being nourished by the motherland, the Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group (hereinafter referred to as YRPG)never forgets to dedicate itself to the service of its country, and it has made great contributions to the construction of a harmonious  society by developing the traditional medicine, helping the poor, taking part in public activities, and dedicating its love and care to the society.

Since 2001, YRPG has undertaken a large-scale public activity named “Health Care in Western China” which is supported by the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, All-China Women’s Federation, and the National Committee on Aging. This public activity, with a total investment of RMB 40 million Yuan, covers a distance of more than 30,000 kilometers. The first stage of “Health Care in Western China” is initiated on 8th October 2001, including distributing drugs, healthcare, and medical knowledge to Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing, Sichuan, Gansu, Qinghai Guangxi, Xinjiang etc., building the Yangzi River hope schools in poor areas, offering free health checkups to teachers, providing Orphanages and Old Folk’s Homes with drugs for free, digging wells for villagers, offering hygiene bags to herdsmen, providing financial support to poor students, and giving following on treatment to those who can not afford medical fee. All these activities have won high praise from the public. 

In order to help the poor, YRPG established a Charity Association in 2003. Within 3 years, it has donated RMB 3,5 million Yuan to the region of Taizhou, offering tuitions to 286 poor students with the guarantee of no drop-offs due to poverty, helping 60 families in reconstructing their ramshackle building in villages, solving water supply problems for 177 families in villages, providing financial support for low-income families to buy joint medical care, supporting financially 215 families whose poverty is caused by natural disasters, and offering financial help for building roads and bridges in villages. In every Spring Festival, the Yangzi River Charity Association brings benefits to more than 1,000 poor families.

For more than ten years, YRPG has carried forward in depth the movement of the Preferential Treatment for Families of Servicemen and Martyrs, presenting to the army with drugs, materials, and capitals worth RMB 30 million Yuan. The enterprise wins the honour of “the Advanced Units in Promoting Socialist Ethics by Joint Army-civilian Efforts”, which is awarded by the Leading Group of Shuang Yong Office (an organization which is responsible for taking care of servicemen and their families), the Spiritual Civilization Office of the CPC Central Committee, Ministry of Civil Affairs, and the General Political Department of PLA.

When the Yangzi River flooded in 1998, board chairman Xu Jingren went to the flood area in person, donating medicines worth RMB 5 million Yuan.

In the anti-SARS campaign in 2003, YRPG presented Guangzhou, Beijing and other SARS attacked cities with medicines worth RMB 4 million Yuan, and it also donated RMB 1 million Yuan to the Chinese Medical Doctor Association in establishing an anti-SARS relief fund. 

In July 2006, to help those who suffered lost in the great storm in the north part of Jiangsu province,YRPG made a one-off donation to the Red Cross Society of Jiangsu province. In September of the same year, it presented the disaster area of Fuding (attacked by typhoon Saomai) in Fujian province with medicines and materials worth RMB 180,000 Yuan. 

Since 2001, YRPG has supported the annual appraisal of “China Awards for Medical Science and Technology” for five years in a row.  In 2003, it donated funds to establish the “Chinese Doctor Prize” and   set up a “Yangzi Rive Medical Scholarship” at Nanjing Medical University. In addition, the enterprise also has sponsored a pharmaceutical award named “Yangzi Rive Cup” at Shanghai Pharmaceutical Professional Association.