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National Brand Marketing Attains Popularity among Enterprises
Author:By Mao Yingying Date:2007/11/22 14:22:40 Read:3791

Expert: An Urgent Demand for Enterprises Social Responsibility

Building enterprise brand under the support of national brand is the dream of many entrepreneurs. Along with the rise of China as a powerful country, more and more enterprises will rely on the strong national brand on their road to developing their international brands. But experts believe that the growth of national brand calls for the active participation and contribution of many enterprises citizens who have strong sense of social responsibilities, and national brand building is not merely a media work.

Mr Lin Hai, an expert of brand management and author of the best- seller The Enlightenment of British Brand, states that according to the definition in marketing, the national brand refers to the consumers’ general impressions on the products in a certain country or region. Recently, the relationship between the national brand and the enterprise brand has attracted more and more attention of entrepreneurs. In western countries, the popularity of their international brands is based on the country’s powerful influences in the field of politics, economy, and culture. Probing into the development traces of many international brands, we could find that the national brand plays an important role in the development of the enterprise brand. Some experts point out that Chinese enterprises have begun taking measures to draw on the national brand in improving their brand images, but they are still short of certain sense of social responsibilities.

Just before the Arm Day, August 1st, in Beijing, the Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group(hereinafter referred to as YRPG) organized the movement of the preferential treatment for families of servicemen and martyrs which bears the slogan “ Monument of Peace Time, Mission of Life Protection: Mother Hero Reviewing Young Heroes”. The key of this great movement is to express the enterprise’s sense of social responsibilities through concrete actions, and it has been regarded as a good example of brand marketing under the support of the national brand. As a domestic leading brand in medical enterprises, YRPG has been applying itself to introducing the Chinese traditional medicine to the outside world, which indicates that the brand building of YRPG has risen to a height of supporting the building of the national brand. Whereas the basic guarantee for building a strong national brand is to strengthen national defense and support army building. Xu Jingren, board chairman of YRPG, remarks, “Only under a strong background of politics, economy, and culture, can a world competitive brand come into being in a nation. Similarly, only if an enterprise becomes strong enough can it dedicate itself to the service of its motherland. And that is the reason why YRPG can continue with the movement of the preferential treatment for families of servicemen and martyrs for ten years, and that is also the reason why it has contributed more than 50 million Yuan to the army building.

Huang Jiangwei, a celebrated brand management expert, shares Xu Jingren’s view on that issue. He says that it is far from enough to judge the enterprise’s sense of social responsibility by appearance. There is a benign interactive relationship between the enterprise brand and the national brand, the latter offers the former a strong and solid support. Only by having such a shrewd strategy, can the world-class enterprise be born in China.