HomeQualityQC Team Activities
Quality Control
Introduction to QC Team Activities

QC team activities, which first appeared in Japan, originally targeted common and simple quality issues. Then, they began to target more sophisticated key quality issues, such as quality cost, safety and product efficiency.

Following Japan's practice of QC, more than 70 countries and regions including Taiwan, South Korea, Southeast Asia and Europe hold QC activities, growing to be a trend. China's first QC team was born to Beijing Combustion Motor Factory in September 1978, when the factory was learning management experience from its Japanese counterparts. In December, the factory held a meeting to demonstrate the achievement in QC teams. Since then, QC team activities began to be popular in China. Today, more than 10 million workers attend QC team activities every year with ever greater achievement.

Every member of a company can participate in QC teams. Whether you are a business leader, a manager, a technician, a worker, or a service staff, you can set up a QC team. QC activities can center any of the wide range of issues, such as your company's strategies, principals, targets and existing problems. QC team activities aim at improving workers ability, tapping their enthusiasm and creativity, and improving quality, energy and economic efficiency.

QC team is an effective way of involving quality management participation of the whole staff. It is self-motivated, scientific and targeted. Unlike setting up an administration teams of company, setting up a QC team does not require any administrative order, rather it is self-motivated, autonomous and respectful of employees' subjective initiative. Following the working procedures of PDCA, QC teams conduct activities using the theories and methods of comprehensive quality control to solve quality-related issues.

The procedures of a QC team activity are as follows:
 -Find a topic.
 -Investigate the status quo.
 -Set a goal.
 -Analyze the causes.
 -Define the key factors.
 -Make and use methods.
 -Review results.
 -Consolidate results.
 -Summarize the activity.
 -Make future plans.

Labors for participants are divided straight and clear, including leadership, coordination, planning, organizing, implementing of plans, improving, reviewing and summarizing.